Monday Blues

by Kay Rob

I locked my keys in the car yesterday. While it was still running…. For 4 hours. I didn’t even realize until I couldn’t find my keys at lunch. So, it makes me wonder about all the people who walked past my car in the lot and saw it running with no one in it. Did they just assume it was supposed to be that way? Or did they just not care? Or were they so wrapped up with their own stuff that they literally did not notice the unoccupied, running vehicle? 

Sadly, I bet it was the last reason. I don’t pay attention and notice things like that, so how I can expect my fellow man to do so?

Thankfully, I have roadside assistance bundled with my car insurance, so they sent out a locksmith within 15 minutes, and at no extra charge to me.

So yeah, yesterday was definitely a Monday.